How to effectively monitor natural geological disasters and post disaster manage

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources

In the first half of this year, a total of occurred nationwide

Destructive caused by geological factors

2146 natural disaster events

Such as earthquakes, mudslides, landslides, etc

Causing enormous harm to human life and property

It also has a serious impact on the socio-economic development



Effectively prevent and control geological disasters

Becoming an important task for the development of contemporary society

And laser ranging technology

Techniques in Geological Hazards

It also plays a key role in prevention and governance

Can provide accurate geographic information

It can also help identify potential disaster risk areas

Thus effectively reducing disasters

Probability of occurrence and degree of impact

Today we will discuss

Xinrui's independently developed laser rangefinder

In the prevention and mitigation of geological disasters, as well as

The role played in post disaster reconstruction



VDML|Measure the height of landslide and debris caused by disasters

In VD ML mode, measuring the highest and lowest points of the accumulation separately can determine the vertical height of the disaster collapse accumulation


SD ML|Measuring the straight-line distance of landslides

In the post landslide survey, the SD ML mode of the rangefinder is used to measure the starting point and landing point of the landslide separately, which can obtain the straight-line distance (SD) of the landslide


HD SD|Measure the distance and area of landmarks

In geological survey work, using the HD SD mode of the rangefinder, aiming the star at the landmark to be measured and pressing the measurement button can obtain the straight-line distance (SD) and horizontal distance (HD) from the landmark


VD ML|Measure the height of the mountain

In geological surveying work, using the VD ML mode of a rangefinder to measure the top and bottom of the mountain separately can obtain the vertical height difference between the two target points of the mountain


HD ML|Measure the width of the gully

By using the range finder's HD ML mode to measure the mountains on both sides of the ravine, the horizontal distance value (HD) between the ravines can be obtained


SD ML|Two point measurement of straight-line distance between canyons in the wild

In SD ML mode, by sequentially measuring the mountain target points on both sides of the canyon, the straight-line distance (SD) between the two points in the canyon can be obtained


 AZ |Single point measurement of cave orientation

In geological exploration work, the AZ mode of the rangefinder can be used to aim at any point in the cave and press the measurement button to obtain the orientation value of the cave


The prediction and early warning of geological disasters are an important part of geological disaster prevention and control. The use of surveying and mapping technology can determine the risk areas of potential geological disasters, take timely preventive measures, and reduce the losses caused by disasters.

The laser ranging altimeter independently developed and produced by RXIRY has powerful measurement functions, with the advantages of measuring at any two points in space, dual button operation, fast response, high accuracy, multiple measurement modes, and the ability to meet multiple measurement solutions for users. It can provide comprehensive solutions for the prevention and control of geological disasters such as landslides, collapses, and mudslides.




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