Industry News
Rxiry sharp 2018 16th sichuan international power industry exposition...2018-05-06In the afternoon of May 6, three days of the 16th international power industry exposition and 2018 sichuan charging stations in sichuan (pile) technology and equipment exhibitio...More
Rxiry IE Expo 2018 nineteenth China World Expo has successfully concluded...2018-05-03The Expo is jointly held by the Munich International Expo Group, the China Environmental Science Society, the general environmental service chamber of Commerce, the ...More
Talking about the life of laser range finder!2017-04-10In the ancient measurement of distance are measured by the method, and later to the size, the distance of the unit began to refine, the unit of measurement distance is used i...More
Laser range finder related issues2017-04-10The principle of distance measurement can be summed up to the time required to measure the light from the target, and then the distance D is calculated by the speed of lig...More
If you use a laser range finder instead of a soft ruler or tape measure the int...2017-04-10Handheld laser range finder can use the instrument itself to measure the laser spot 200m outside the target, and can quickly calculate the area (square feet / square meter) ...More
Advantages and inventions of laser range finder measurement - Common know...2017-04-10Laser range finder measurement method has the following advantages. ① based on the energy to the object, there is no blind area (Missing part). ② the surface properti...More