Rxiry XR5000C laser rangefinder altimeter helps treasury bond natural disaster e

Since last year, many places in China have suffered from rainstorm, flood, typhoon and other disasters. Some areas have suffered serious disasters and suffered great losses. Local post disaster recovery and reconstruction tasks are heavy. In order to "accelerate recovery and reconstruction" and "further improve China's capacity for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief", support post disaster recovery and reconstruction in North China, with Beijing Tianjin Hebei as the focus, and improve the capacity for disaster prevention and reduction, in the fourth quarter of last year, the central government allocated an additional 1 trillion yuan of treasury bond funds to 15000 projects, focusing on supporting post disaster recovery and reconstruction and improving the capacity for disaster prevention and reduction, key flood control projects, improving the ability to respond to natural disasters, urban drainage and waterlogging prevention and other areas, and responding to emergencies such as the frequent occurrence of various extreme natural disasters in recent years.


Emergency surveying and mapping support has always been an important part of the national emergency response system.

Due to the fact that major natural disasters often cause information interruption or road traffic obstruction in severely affected areas, missing the "golden rescue period" (72 hours after the occurrence of emergencies) has a significant impact on disaster assessment and traditional rescue work. Emergency mapping can obtain accurate post disaster images and other geographic information data in a timely manner, which is the key for emergency response departments to understand disaster information and guide rescue.

As a leading domestic brand in laser measurement, RXIRY adheres to the development philosophy of "sincerity and never stopping", and has mastered industry-leading technologies in laser measurement technology development, chip embedded product development, chip level self-organizing network communication, rapid image recognition and tracking of drones and anti drone systems, BLE underlying protocol (Bluetooth networking communication), high-speed broadband microwave photon systems, and other fields.

For the trillions of treasury bond project, we will strive to create high-quality surveying and mapping products and solutions, empower China's surveying and mapping, and help greatly improve the ability to respond to natural disasters such as disaster prevention, mitigation and relief!


As one of the products for the treasury bond project, the XR5000C laser ranging altimeter has a measurement accuracy of 0.1m, a resolution of 0.01m, and an 8X upgraded magnification. In good weather conditions, the maximum measurement distance can reach 6100m, accurate to two digits after the decimal point. It can provide accurate range and Beidou positioning information data during emergency rescue. It is a professional measurement tool for emergency rescue.

The product integrates distance measurement, height measurement, angle measurement, speed measurement, temperature measurement, and GPS functions, with 11 practical measurement functions that can perfectly solve measurement difficulties encountered in various emergency rescue work such as natural disasters, electricity, forestry, environmental protection, safety law enforcement, geological exploration, etc.


在昕锐激光测距仪的SD ML模式下,分别测量危险源和救援位置,即可得到危险源与救援者的安全距离(SD值)。



利用昕锐测距仪的HD ML模式,能够测量同一垂直面内,泥石流的水平距离(HD值)及坡度。



在HD ML模式下,使用昕锐测距仪分别测量基站和建筑物的任意一点,即可得到基站到建筑物直线的三维数值:水平距(HD值)、直线距离(SD值)及高差(VD值)。



在SD ML模式下,分别测量目标及安全源两目标点,即可得到目标到安全源的直线距离(SD值),同时能够关联显示水平距离(HD值)及高差(VD值)。






在VD ML模式下,使用昕锐测距仪分别测量着火点和地面,即可测得着火点距离地面的高度(VD值)。



利用昕锐激光测距测高仪的HD ML模式,分别测量大坝的两个目标点,即可得到两个目标点间的水平距离(HD值)。



在GPS模式下,昕锐激光测距仪可测得当前位置的经纬度信息;在HD SD模式测得结果值后,切换至GPS模式,可关联得到所测目标的位置信息(目标点的经纬度值)。





RXIRY, as a leading domestic brand in laser measurement, specializes in the research and development, production, and sales of laser measurement and optical products. The independently developed and produced laser rangefinder altimeter has powerful measurement functions, with the advantages of measuring at any two points in space, dual button operation, fast response, high accuracy, multiple measurement modes, and the ability to meet users' multiple measurement solutions. In various disaster prevention and control fields, it can provide comprehensive solutions.



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